Our Mission, Vision, & Values

Mission– Through collaboration with local partners and community health workers, the Northwest Ohio Pathways HUB supports enhancing health outcomes, promoting healthy births, and enabling connections to health and social services for Northwest Ohio residents impacted by social risk factors.

Vision– The Northwest Ohio Pathways HUB aspires to be the region’s trusted care coordination program by promoting healthy birth outcomes, fostering health equity, and helping individuals lead healthier lives.

Values– “ACCESS”

Advocacy: We help people understand their options and support individuals to make informed decisions.

Compassion: We are genuinely engaged in assisting community health workers and their clients; we have a desire to help.

Collaboration: We connect clients and community health workers to local resources. We celebrate the ability to collaborate to expand our network.

Education: Community health workers, clients, and staff teach and learn from each other.

Support: We support our clients, community health workers, and each other with resources; especially in times of need.

Solidarity: We are stronger when we stand together with community health workers, our clients, and local, regional, & federal organizations.

What is a community health worker?

Our Mission, Vision, & Values at the Northwest Ohio Pathways HUB

Northwest Ohio Pathways HUB & Partners

HUB History

What is the Pathways Program?